What a whirlwind this past weekend was! Having a kid changes the whole game for holiday weekends. Gone are the days of waking up late and lounging in bed before someone gives in and gets up to make breakfast. No more long, hot showers and slowly getting ready while sipping some coffee and jamming out to some tunes. No more stops at the coffee shop on the way to the family celebration, unless we are magically on time, which seems to never happen these days.
Instead, our mornings are replaced with a strategic plan to fit in breakfast, bath, second breakfast, nap, dressed with little time to spare so she doesn’t mess up her outfit, and packing everything you might need for the next 8 hours. Of course, we have to take turns wrangling our newly mobile child, (who can somehow manage to get herself out of the Bumbo, even though it’s hard for me to pull those chubby legs out of that thing!) while trying to get ourselves ready. I can’t even imagine what it’s like when you have multiple little ones to wrangle, who talk back to you. We’re still in the minor leagues here. We have much to learn.
Even though holiday weekends are less about relaxing these days, they sure are a whole lot more fun. Dressing up our baby bear in all things bunny was definitely a highlight for me. I just can’t get enough of babies with bunny ears, or feet, or butts.

My sister-in-law, Kylie, with my niece, Lilah and my mom with me and Evie. The cutest bunnies there ever were.
On Saturday, we hosted an Easter brunch at our house for my side of the family. This was the first time in our new house that we hosted a holiday meal for our family, complete with mimosas, ham, and a waffle bar with toppings galore!

I quickly snapped this picture of the waffle mountain before we refilled the mimosa pitcher and everyone dug in!
E loved this giant basket full of goodies for her and her cousin from Grammy and Gramps. She also loved the tissue paper, she’s been trying to get at it ever since.
Saturday night, I had so much fun playing Easter Bunny and putting together E’s Easter basket. She had a lot of fun pulling everything out of the basket and spreading the Easter grass all over the house. She hardly tired to eat any – so that is a plus! Next year, I’m sure she will be a little more excited about everything and we’ll get to do her first egg hunt and maybe she will be interested in coloring eggs! Instead, this year she couldn’t care less and ate puffs and played with a paint brush while Mommy and Daddy colored eggs.
On Sunday, we went to my husband’s parent’s house for Easter dinner and to celebrate his grandma’s 88th birthday! E was darling in her Easter dress and got to empty yet another Easter basket! No wonder kids love holidays!
This weekend was also Evelyn’s 9 month birthday! It is next to impossible these days to get her to sit still for a picture, never mind putting a sticker on her and expecting her to leave it there!
We had a wonderful, family filled weekend, with tons of fun! I can’t wait for next year to see the excitement grow for Evelyn, but in the meantime I will enjoy those squishy baby cheeks and be amazed by how much she learns and grows each day! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend with your families!
You guys did an excellent job on the Waffle Bar! I vote for it being an annual event ?Thank you for a yummy and festive day. We had such a great time with our sweet little bunnies!!