In the past six months, I have probably Googled “what to do with your [insert age] baby all day?” at least 287 times. At least. Of course, normal baby care takes up a majority of the day, but there are still times where I just do not know what to do with her and it is only noon! How can it only be noon?! I ask myself that every day.
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Winter in Michigan is also not making things any better! However, we did get to go out last week on a not so frigid day to test out baby bear’s sled she got for Christmas! I think she enjoyed it – but it’s hard to tell. She sat there quietly so that definitely means she didn’t hate it because if she did – you would know! Mommy got some good exercise that day too, pulling that thing around and around and around our backyard.
In the last week or so we also tried out a few other activities to give us something new and interesting to do. These activities are perfect for a 6-month-old, but older babies would definitely enjoy these as well!
Jumbo Pasta Tub
This was exciting for Evie because it was loud! She loves banging things together or playing with toys in a particularly loud metal or plastic bowl. The noodles had ridges too that she was interested in that. She was feeling them with her fingers and her tongue ? I put in some of her favorite toy rings (she is obsessed with these!) for her to grab at and encourage her to dig. We also practiced picking up the shells that fell out of the tub and putting them back in. I would make a big deal and clap when she got them back in. She played with this for quite awhile so it was definitely a success.
Colored Ice Cube Chase
I dyed some water using food coloring and made different colored ice cubes. I then put the ice cubes in a pan of water for baby bear to chase around. She actually got quite frustrated that she couldn’t catch them! She liked playing with them in the water, though. This would be a fun summertime activity outside in the baby pool too! I used a warm washcloth to warm her hands up when she was done playing. This was hard to take pictures of because she kept trying to tip the pan of water over. I only got a couple ice cubes in and snapped a picture before there was water all over the place!
Gelatin Dig
I used plain gelatin and food coloring to make it blue instead of using a flavored Jello. Jello has sugar and dye in it so it would be really sticky and I didn’t want her to eat any sugar if it got in her mouth! I poured the gelatin to set over a couple baby toys. She had a good time trying to dig the blocks out. This was MESSY! It got everywhere! The floor, her high chair, and all the way up her arms! But it was worth it, we had the most fun with this one! {Someone messaged me a photo of their little one doing this in the tub – GENIUS! haha} Next time, I would take the gelatin out of the fridge a little while before we played because it was pretty cold. Although, she didn’t seem to mind.
Baby in the Mirror
I set up a mirror on the floor and put baby in front of it. She loves mirrors and I wish I had done this sooner! She was squealing and trying to grab at “the baby in the mirror”. She thought that baby in the mirror looked pretty cute ?
Squishy Sensory Bags
I wrote about these last week. Still holding up after a couple play sessions! Check it out here!
You might also like to check out our latest sensory play activity: Cloud Dough!
These are a few other simple toys E loved to play with at 6 months and still plays with regularly!
Just been scrolling through the different things on your blog, and I have to say, the things you are coming up with are amazing!
You are doing an amazing job with Evie. You are a great mom! I know the days can get very loooooong and sometimes make you feel like you’ve come to a dead end, but don’t give up, you seem like you have mommyhood down better well.
Love ❤ You!