We’re already into the second week of the new year and it’s been radio silence around here since before Christmas.
I’ve been having a hard time getting back into the swing of things after the holidays. My husband was off the whole week between Christmas and New Year’s so we had lots of family time. It was mostly spent lounging around in our pajamas and eating tons of Christmas cookies, but it was a nice break!
The first week back to reality did not go as well as expected. Our routine is all thrown off, it’s plain freezing here, and I have no energy. We left the house twice last week, each time for a doctor’s appointment. So you’d be right if you guessed that means my toddler has been bouncing off the walls! It hasn’t helped that I may be getting a preview of what the terrible two’s may look like. Let’s just say, I think I’m in trouble!
Even though our new year hasn’t started out quite as productive as I had imagined or intended, I’m just going to move on and try again this week. I have grand plans for 2017 and I won’t let a crappy week set the tone for my year!
I’ve decided to choose 3 words that will help guide me and ultimately make it possible for me to reach the goals I have set for the year for both myself and the blog.
I have good intentions, yes. But my follow through needs some work. I want to be intentional with my time and what I spend my energy on. Is it beneficial to the big picture? Does sleeping 15 more minutes and missing a shower help my day? Absolutely not. Does staying up late just to watch t.v. do anything more than make me more tired the next day? Nope. I feel like I waste a lot of time doing things that only set me back or fill my time with unnecessary things and I don’t accomplish what I really want to or need to.
I get so caught up in all the things I am not doing, or what everyone else is doing, or what I should be doing, or what I want to be doing, that I get overwhelmed and end up doing nothing!! I need to focus on me, my family, and what I want to achieve with my blog. Scrolling through Facebook over and over wasting time and thinking about all the things I would like to do is not helping me at all! (See above.) I want to focus on what is right in front of me. Maybe that means right now I need to color with my daughter, or maybe I have time to write. Maybe I need to focus on my husband and put everything else away.
There are so many things I want to accomplish this year and I must remember each small step will help me get there. Some of these small steps may not be pleasant and will be a lot of work, but I must have patience and understand that it will be worth it. I also chose patience for another reason, in regards to my daughter. Her behavior at times can be so frustrating and lately I lose my cool with her so quickly. I need to remind myself that she is a little person with big feeling and she doesn’t always know how to express them.
Have you chosen a word or words to focus on in 2017? If not, what word would you choose? Let me know below!
Love your three words! It’s taken a while to get into the swing of things here too. I am so guilty of the facebook/instagram scroll. I didn’t choose a word this year, but I really like the idea of your word, Focus. I want to focus on making my blog the best I can, focus on my family, and maybe even focus a bit on my own spiritual growth.
It’s hard to get going…especially in this cold weather! All I want to do is curl up under a blanket…and scroll through Instagram hahaha. I hope your 2017 is awesome and filled with much success!! Thanks for reading 🙂
We’re really working on ‘balance’ around here. Balancing an attempt at a healthier lifestyle with my love of baking and all things covered in cheese. So often I either work until I crash, or I simply get nothing productive done at all. I’m trying to find the balance in-between.