I have been very excited for this week because it is Valentine’s Day week! I absolutely love Valentine’s Day. I have for as long as I can remember. There is just something about this day that makes it one of my favorite days of the year. I love the whimsical red and pink heart decorations, the excuse to eat a little more chocolate than normal, and the festive way to show a little love to the special people in your life.
I’ve never felt like you had to have a significant other to enjoy Valentine’s Day. And that is probably because my mom always made Valentine’s Day feel special for the whole family. One of the most vivid memories I have of Valentine’s Day growing up is a string of red heart shaped lights my mom would hang up. Funny something as simple as a string of lights can bring back so many good memories. She would cook a nice Valentine’s Day dinner and of course a special dessert. I remember coming home from school to balloons and treats and a small present laid out on the table for my brother and I.

Last night, my mom gave me the beloved heart lights to share with Evelyn. I think she likes them as much as me 🙂
My love for Valentine’s Day is as much about giving – if not more, than receiving. I think I love Valentine’s Day because it makes people feel special. In the most simplest ways such as as a little card or a chocolate. And you never know if maybe your one little Valentine gift made someone’s day.
It reminds me of a couple years ago when I got to spend the whole day on Valentine’s Day with 5 classes of first graders teaching nutrition lessons. (A good day to teach about everything in moderation ?). The excitement these kids had about giving out their Valentine’s was off the charts. I came home with cards and handfuls of treats and more hugs than I could count. It was a great Valentine’s Day because I got to share their excitement and it reminded me how fun it was to be a kid on Valentine’s Day and how big those little hearts can be. I cannot wait until I get to make Valentine’s with Evelyn for her class!
And for all of you Anti-Valentine’s Day-ers or the “I don’t need a special day to tell my loved ones I love them”-ers. We all know that! Duh! Remember what it was like to hold that excitement as a kid on Valentine’s Day, anxiously waiting to exchange cards and eat treats. That’s all it is – a fun day and any excuse is as good as the next to celebrate the special people in your life! Whether it be your mom, dad, grandma, aunt, best friend, neighbor, or even your mailman. You don’t have to be in a relationship to share the love!
Anyway, for me, there is nothing I want more for Valentine’s Day than to spend it with my little family. I don’t need to battle the crowds for dinner reservations or find a baby sitter because Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate the love in your life and there is no other place where that love is greater than at home with the two loves of my life.
Check back soon to see how we have been celebrating this week!
Holidays are an excellent excuse to let your sentiments loose and Valentine’s Day is the best! In keeping with that spirit – I can’t tell you how much I love you all and how much joy I feel watching you build great lives, great loves and great memories. XOX
This is a great post. Hope the three of you have a great and memorable Valentine’s Day, the first of many I’m sure.
Love you all