I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by Andrea from Flowers and Faux Pas, and I could not be more honored and excited to accept this award! Andrea is a mom of two adorable little girls and she blogs about everyday life. He blog is focused on being inspired and inspiring others to try something new. I really enjoy following Andrea on Instagram too. She has beautiful snapshots of her life and keeps it real. I highly suggest you go check out her blog and see what you will be inspired by!
The Liebster Award is an award that is given by one blogger to another. To be nominated, your blog must be less than 2 years old and have less than 1,000 followers. This award is a great way to discover interesting, new blogs. It’s purpose is also to connect new bloggers with one another and create a positive and supportive blogging community. Since I have joined the blogging community, I have been blown away by the support bloggers give each other. The support I’ve received and have seen is amazing! There are so many great bloggers out there to learn from, laugh with, and even just “feel your pain”.
Rules for the Liebster Award:
Thank the blog that nominated you on a post in your blog.
Answer the questions asked by the blog that nominated you.
Nominate 5-11 other new bloggers.
Create 11 new questions for the nominees to answer.
Notify all nominees via social media.
My Answers to the Questions from Andrea:
Q1: If you could only live in an eternal Summer or eternal Winter, which would you choose?
I would chose eternal summer hands down. Camping, swimming, the beach, not having to wear a big bunchy coat, I could go on…!
Q2. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods?
I prefer sweet foods. I think I would say chocolate cake is my favorite food!
Q3. If you had a Theme song, what would it be?
This is a hard question! My husband and I took a quiz online for some inspiration and his result was “Ice Ice Baby” by Vanilla Ice. Which I think is totally fitting and hilarious! My result was “Run the World (Girls)” by Beyonce. Which I don’t think is very accurate, but I was flattered they thought so! I think I am going to go with “Walking on Sunshine” because it is a happy song with a feel good tune and that is what I would want people to associate me with.
Q4. What was the last book you read?
Unfortunately, I haven’t read a book in a long time! I just never seem to have the energy or time. The last book I did read though when I was starting my blog at the end of last year was, “The Digital Mom Handbook” by bloggers Audrey from momgenerations.com and Colleen from classymommy.com. This is a great book if you are thinking about starting a blog!
Q5. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Night owl for sure. I always wish I could be a morning person though because I feel like I could be more productive if I could just get my butt out of bed a little bit earlier! I have also passed this trait onto my baby bear.
Q6. What is your dream vacation?
Somewhere tropical. Probably at one of those resorts in a place like Bora Bora with the individual bungalows built out over the water!
Q7. Stilettos, Sneakers or Ballet Flats?
Sneakers. You can usually find me in Keds. It’s almost sandal season though and I am all about the sandals.
Q8. What is your go-to recipe?
This banana muffin recipe. I make these all the time! I’ve been meaning to write a post about these.
Q9. Do you prefer your men bearded or clean shaven?
Bearded, but well maintained. Can’t stand the messy mountain man look!
Q10. Why did you start your blog?
I started my blog mostly because I needed an outlet and something other than raising a tiny human to focus my attention on. I enjoy sharing my life, ideas, and lessons learned, especially if they help someone, or at the very least make it known they are not alone in the struggle!
Q11. If your blog had a Mission Statement, what would it be?
Jeez – I can’t even come up with a tag line for my blog, never mind a whole mission statement! But I will try! My mission statement would be:
As you visit Life As Mama Bear, it is my mission to make you laugh, keep you company, inspire you, and most importantly show you that you are not on this journey through motherhood alone.
Life As Mama Bear’s Nominees:
Brittany from Champagne and Cheerios
Jessie from The Simple Sweetheart
Jody from Sparkle of My Life
Maggie from Campbell Chaos
Jessica from The Jessica Nicol
Congratulations to all the nominees! I enjoy following your blogs and seeing your lives through social media!
My Questions for My Nominees:
- What makes you happy?
- What is your favorite day of the year?
- How did you come up with the name for your blog?
- What is your favorite book?
- What is the last movie you watched?
- What are you looking forward to?
- If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
- If you won a million dollars, what would you buy first?
- What are your pizza toppings of choice?
- What is your favorite blog post that you have written so far and why?
- Why did you start your blog?
Thank you again Andrea! I had a lot of fun answering your questions and I can’t wait to read all of the posts from my nominees!
Congratulations Kristie! You are so deserving of the nomination. I love reading your blog – you write with such passion and with such a great sense of humor! (Oh – and I’m not just saying that because I’m your mother.
Thanks Mom!! Xoxo
I totally agree with your mom! You inspire me, and my child rearing days are long gone. I wish something like you was around when I was a new mom. I sure could have used some insight and help, and just a place to let go and to be reassured that I was doing ok when I was a first time mom to twins!
I am very proud of you Kristie for the nomination, you are very deserving of it. I just want to say thanks for being such a great mom! Baby Bear is the luckiest baby to have such a great mom (and dad)! You both are sure making this Grandma one proud lady!
Thank you so much!