This was just a practice month for the new year, right? Does anyone else feel that way? After the holiday rush, I always feel like I need some recovery time. To fall back into normal routines and meals and just kind of lay low and reflect.

We had a great holiday and didn’t have any major melt downs (by me) unlike last Christmas when we were just stretched way too thin. We stayed home a lot more this year and spread extended family Christmases out and really just did us. It made this season more enjoyable and saved my sanity. Sometimes you just have to learn how to say “no” no matter other people’s opinions. You know what’s best for you and your fam. And this year, that is just what we needed.

With a new year there is always this feeling of freshness and possibilities. I just needed this month to let it all soak in. I wasn’t ready to jump right in with ‘new year new me’. I have however cut out one major addiction that I am proud of: iced vanilla coffee from McDonald’s. I was addicted. Like 4-5 times a week. So far this month, I’ve had two! We all gotta start somewhere, right?
Maybe early this month, you heard all this hype about choosing a word of the year? Well, I jumped on the bandwagon. The word I chose for myself was Stronger. Stronger mentally, physically, stronger marriage, and stronger relationships with friends/family.

I practiced being strong by saying no to my iced coffee addiction. It seemed like a good place to start because I make excuses about why I think I need something or don’t need something. I have excuses for why I can’t do things or shouldn’t do things or even why I should do things. All. The. Excuses. If you need one, I’m your girl. My mantra to go along with my word of the year is “Be stronger than your excuses.”
A few goals for 2019:
- Workout 2-3 times a week in the morning
- Complete Communication in Marriage workbook with hubby
- Establish vitamin/probiotic routine
- Send cards/letters/make phone calls to family regularly
- Establish writing time/me time
- Read more books
- Put phone down in the evenings
What are some of your goals for this year? Did you choose a word of the year?