We celebrated Evelyn’s fourth birthday last month with a My Little Pony Party at the Flint Children’s Museum! How is she 4?! We had a good turn out, Evelyn had a great time with all her little friends, and best of all it wasn’t at our house!

I am not the biggest fan of birthday parties and would much rather go on a trip for the weekend somewhere fun or just have pizza and cake with family. BUT, Evie has been to lots of other kid’s birthday parties lately so she just figured it was her turn to have one and she started inviting everyone to her My Little Pony Party…so I guess we were having a party! We didn’t have a friend party last year so I was okay with it. At least I didn’t have to come up with a theme!

I got her a cute rainbow tutu with a unicorn horn from Amazon to wear during her party. I paired it with a Rainbow Dash shirt she already had and voila! Birthday outfit.

We chose a 2pm start time for the party. Well after lunch and ending before dinner so I didn’t even serve a meal! I put out rainbow Goldfish packets and some granola bars for snacks and we had cupcakes. Kids never seem to eat a lot at parties anyway because they are always so busy playing. And we only had two hours in the room and I didn’t want to spend it all eating! So I didn’t stress about food. Everyone was busy in the museum anyway so it worked out.

The Flint Children’s Museum is a great place and has private birthday party rooms. The museum has so much to do for kids of all ages and you could easily spend hours there. We’ve been there many times and E always asks to go there when she gets to pick what we do for the day. Plus, I didn’t want to worry about rain or extreme heat, which have been problems in the past! At her first birthday I thought we were all going to melt and at her second we were all crammed inside because of a thunderstorm!

We did one activity during the party, Cutie Mark Tattoos. I bought a variety of temporary tattoos, put out a couple damp sponges and a spray bottle for re-wetting the sponges. It made doing lots of tattoos pretty quick. Evie came home with her arms covered and some of those tattoos were the longest lasting temporary tattoos ever because I scrubbed some of them over and over and there were still there for a week! Sorry parents.

It was a great time, pretty low key prep with store bought decorations and cupcakes off the shelf from Sam’s Club. I’ve learned it doesn’t have to be extravagant for it to be special. We’re already scoping out locations for next year to keep it simple and fun.
We are so lucky to have such amazing friends and family who made E’s birthday so special! Thank you to all of you!