This past weekend my husband Stan, Evelyn, our friend Theresa and I went to Silver Bells in the City. It is a Lansing, MI tradition that kicks off the holiday season. There is an electric light parade, the lighting of the capitol tree, fireworks and a lot of other activities and events that draw thousands and thousands of people to downtown Lansing. We have gone more years than I could count! Last year, I was pregnant and unpredictability ill because of that, so we stayed home so I could be close to the bathroom…ha ha ha. Oh, how I do not miss that.
I was a little hesitant about going at first because I was worried that we would be outside for too long and that it would be too cold for Evie. But, we decided we would bundle her up and give it a go. I was excited for her to see all of the lights and hear the music. We went to Mackinac Island last month and it was freezing and snowing and she did just fine being carried around in the baby carrier all day, so I wasn’t too worried.
I also really wanted to go because I was looking forward to hanging out with Theresa for the night! We have seen each other pretty regularly, actually two times last week! But obviously, after having a baby, your social life takes a major hit. It’s pretty tough to do anything when baby has to be in bed at 9pm!
Anyway, bless Theresa for braving an activity out with the baby. It takes a while to get her suited up, which we had to do once we got there because the snow suit doesn’t fit safely in the car seat. Once we got her hat situated so it didn’t cover her eyes and got her securely in the baby carrier and Aunt Theresa helped get the little glovies on the little hands – we were off! I prefer to use the baby carrier at places that are really busy because it is so much easier to get around without the big ‘ol stroller. Evie does really well in the carrier – as long as we don’t stop walking for too long! She can see much better in it than in the stroller. So me and my back usually take one for the team. Daddy does a good job too and will take her when I can’t do it anymore.
We had a good time watching the parade. We walked around for a little while before it started so we didn’t just have to stand there (standing too long = flailing), got some hot chocolate and then as soon as the parade started we walked over to the street and got lucky because just after a few minutes, the people we were standing behind left and we got to stand right up near the street! I was worried about the standing thing during the parade but Evie did so good just watching the lights and all of the people! She did keep sucking on her glove though, which made it soaking wet and not very efficient at keeping fingers warms. So we had to improvise and put socks on her hands!
Here are a few of my favorite floats.
E actually ended up falling asleep about an hour or so into the parade and slept right through the marching bands! She curled up on Daddy’s warm shoulder and took a little snooze.
At that point, that parade still had a while to go so we decided to go find somewhere to warm up inside because it was COLD. We walked a little bit up the street and then had to turn back around because we needed a place with a table! We got lucky and found a restaurant with an open table and got in line to get some food so we could sit at the table. We do that a lot these days. “Well, we need to sit down in here so what are we buying!?” I realized I was actually really hungry and we had the most delicious grilled cheese and Lou and Harry’s.
We were there for a bit while the parade finished and didn’t make it out in time to see the fireworks. Baby bear didn’t want to take the bottle and was dribbling milk all over the place but would scream as soon as you took it away. But Theresa and I did get to run out to the street to catch the finale! Once we got baby suited back up we went out and got to take some pictures of the tree and the capitol. It sure was a good looking tree this year!
After the parade we went over to Theresa’s house and hung out for a little while. After a “poo-splosion” that required an outfit change and a bath with wet wipes, spit up all over baby and mommy, and a few good sniffs by Major, Theresa’s dog, we called it a night.
Whenever we do something with people who do not have kids it makes it so apparent how much of a struggle every little thing can be. It makes you realize how much time everything takes, how gross a baby can be when she poops everywhere, and how everything revolves around what the baby needs. Before baby, we went everywhere, with no plan, no change of clothes, and no worry if it will be “too cold” or if there will be a place to sit down to eat. I’m sure these things get easier, probably as you get used to it more. Maybe it will be easier when she’s older? Who knows. Maybe it gets harder when she wants to run off and touch everything. But, it really is worth it. To see her enjoy watching the lights and walking around looking at all the people, and dancing to the music from the marching band with her, some things are more fun. It is a different kind of fun. It is exhausting to go out and do something like that with a baby. But again, it really is worth it. We have to get her (and us) used to the adventures now because there will be many more in our future!
Just so you know……next year I’m going with you! ☺