This year I celebrated my first Mother’s Day and it did not disappoint! I sure did feel the love. But as cliche as it sounds, my greatest gift is that I get to be her mommy. How did I get so lucky?
The day didn’t start out too great though. We all woke up extra grumpy after a hard, long night (those top two teethies are about to pop through!). She screamed all morning too, because she was tired and wouldn’t go back to sleep. Finally, we put her in the swing and turned the TV on and she passed out. Right about when it was time for us to leave for our lunch date. Typical. So instead, I took extra long doing my makeup and painted my toes. When she woke up we had a quick lunch out before my….massage! What?!
On Saturday my husband surprised me and told me that I would be going to get a massage on Sunday as my Mother’s Day gift! I have only ever gotten one massage before for my wedding, so I was pretty excited! And boy, was it nice. I felt like a whole new person walking out of there! Although, I wished you could pay extra to take a little nap on the table after they finished, because I did not want to get up! They could call it the tired mom special or something 😛
We had a nice rest of the day filled with flowers, and Slurpees, and chocolate (did you know they make peanut butter Dove chocolates!? So good. For you PB addicts like me).

Just what mom needs. My favorite Starbucks drink, wine, chocolate, and ibuprofen w/sleep aid 😛 Thanks E!
We ordered pizza for dinner and E ate her first piece ever! How did I not get a picture? Mom fail. She loved it! But really, who doesn’t like pizza?
After dinner we went for a bike ride and pulled E around in her new bike trailer. She had a blast! Had her arms up in the air and was squealing with joy the whole time. It was the perfect ending to the day, and once again reminded me how much I love her and my little family!
And guess what? Baby bear slept through the whole night last night (until 6:30 am)! Funny how she knows just how many sleepless nights I can take before I lose it. She pushes me right to the edge and then just decides mommy’s getting too cranky and gives me one good night of sleep. I will take it!
Thank you to my husband for making my day so special <3 Hope you all had a great Mother’s Day with your families as well!